Decreasing waste policy

Last updated: 05/02/2023

1. Purpose

The purpose of this Waste Reduction Policy is to articulate Techray Development Kft.'s commitment to minimizing waste production across all aspects of our business, promoting recycling, and implementing sustainable waste management practices.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and suppliers involved in our operations.

3. Policy

3.1 Waste Minimization

We commit to minimizing the generation of waste in our operations, business processes, and in the development and delivery of our products and services. We will aim to design out waste where possible.

3.2 Resource Efficiency

We will strive to use all resources efficiently, ensuring that materials are used effectively and wastage is minimized. This includes using energy, water, and materials in a manner that reduces waste.

3.3 Reuse and Recycling

Wherever possible, we will prioritize the reuse of materials and products. When reuse is not feasible, we will ensure that waste materials are recycled or disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.

3.4 Sustainable Procurement

In our procurement processes, we will favor suppliers and contractors who share our commitment to waste reduction and have their own sustainable practices in place.

4. Actions

4.1 Waste Auditing

We will conduct regular waste audits to understand the types and volumes of waste we produce and identify opportunities for waste reduction.

4.2 Waste Reduction Targets

Based on our waste audits, we will set measurable, achievable, and time-bound waste reduction targets.

4.3 Employee Training

We will provide training to our employees to promote waste-conscious behaviors in the workplace and ensure they understand their responsibilities under this policy.

4.4 Recycling Facilities

We will provide appropriate recycling facilities in all our premises and encourage employees to recycle waste.

4.5 Supplier Engagement

We will work with our suppliers and contractors to minimize waste in our supply chain and encourage them to adopt sustainable waste management practices.

5. Monitoring and Review

We will regularly monitor our waste production and the effectiveness of our waste reduction measures. We will communicate our progress against our waste reduction targets to our stakeholders.

6. Responsibility

The board of directors is responsible for the implementation of this policy. All employees, contractors, and suppliers are expected to adhere to this policy.

7. Approval and Review

This policy is approved by the board of directors and will be reviewed annually or whenever significant changes occur in our operations or relevant legislation.

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